Acompanhe as melhores Reprodutoras de Rédeas dos Estados Unidos por somas ganhas a seguir:
TOP30 - Reprodutoras de Rédeas nos Estados Unidos:
  1. $2.133.257 - WIMPYS LITTLE CHIC [2004] Wimpys Little Step x Collena Chic Olena - Smart Chic Olena
  2. $1.340.293 - EBONY SHINES [2001] Shining Spark X Ebony Whiz - Topsail Whiz
  3. $1.303.701 - DUN IT FOR CHEX [1996] Hollywood Dun It X Silver N Blue Chex - Docs Silver N Blue
  4. $1.233.531 - DUNIT A LIL RUF [2007] Lil Ruf Peppy x A Bueno Poco Dunit - Hollywood Dun It
  5. $1.222.526 - SNIP O GUN [1993] One Gun X Miss Kim O Lena - Doc O´Lena
  6. $1.207.214 - BEST STOP [1999] Custom Crome x Rest Stop - Topsail Cody
  7. $1.083.874 - WIND HER UP SHINER [1998] Shining Spark X Wind Her Up Doc - Docs Sidewinder
  8. $1.038.678 - AMERICASNEXTGUNMODEL [2009] Colonels Smoking Gun x Cee Dun It Do It - Hollywood Dun It
  9. $1.036.189 - PRINCESS IN DIAMONDS [1998] Shining Spark X Eyed Be A Princess - Eyed Be Impressive
  10. $1.016.130 - WIND HER UP CHIC [2003] Smart Chic Olena x Wind Her Up Doc - Docs Sidewinder
  11. $926.057 - STOP LITTLE SISTER [2011] Magnum Chic Dream x Best Stop - Custom Crome
  12. $813.562 - SMART LITTLE PRIZE [1992] Smart And Trouble X Freckles Prize - Colonel Freckles
  13. $808.273 - MISS TINSELTOWN [1994] Great Red Pine X Ms Hollywood Showtime - Doc Showtime
  14. $763.495 - FLY FLASHY JAC [1996] Boggies Flashy Jac X Navajo Image - Topsail Cody
  15. $760.953 - TARIS LITTLE VINTAGE [1991] Peppy San Badger X Taris Vintage - Doc Tari
  16. $756.249 - CHEXANICKI [2000] Bueno Chexinic x DS Fancy Footwork - Hollywood Dun It
  17. $746.402 - CUSTOM MADE DUNIT [2005] Hollywood Dun It x Custom Red Berry - Custom Crome
  18. $708.146 - STARJAC MISS [1992] Hollywood Jac 86 x A Great Star - Great Pine
  19. $685.983 - THIS CHICSDUNDREAMIN [2004] Magnum Chic Dream x Hermosa Dun It - Hollywood Dun It
  20. $677.998 - SETTING OFF SPARKS [1998] Shining Spark X Buco Little Bit - Bucolena
  21. $670.086 - COLLENA CHIC OLENA [1995] Smart Chic Olena X Collena Freckles - Colonel Freckles
  22. $669.563 - ALL THATS DUN [1998] Hollywood Dun It x Vintage Badger - Peppy San Badger
  23. $661.837 - TARIS DESIGNER GENES [2003] Mr Boomerjac x Taris Little Vintage - Peppy San Badger
  24. $658.984 - SHIRLEYS FOLLY [1989] Great Pine X Ms Enterprise - Be Aech Enterprise
  25. $654.630 - ALL RUFFED UP [2005] Lil Ruf Peppy x Double Wind Chill - Double R Doc
  26. $628.110 - DOLITTLE LENA [1997] Shining Spark x Freckled Lena - Freckles Playboy
  27. $619.352 - LADY SMOKE PEPPY [2002] Mister Dual Pep x Smoky Tibar - Mr Gun Smoke
  28. $618.489 - KACHINA OAK OLENA [2003] Smart Chic Olena x Kachina Oak - Doc's Oak
  29. $600.980 - PRETTYWHIZPRETTYDOES [2002] Topsail Whiz X Blonde At The Bar - Hollywood Jac 86
  30. $595.716 - DUN IT BY CHICK [1997] Hollywood Dun It X Fri Dee Nite Chick - Docs Fri Dee Bar

Já fizeram parte das 30 melhores produtoras de Rédeas:
  • $590.600 - KATIE GUN [1987] John Gun X Bueno Katie - Aledo Bueno Bar
  • $561.986 - CEE MISS HOLLYWOOD [1995] Custom Crome x Miss Cee Blair - Blair Cee
  • $493.782 - TINKER NIC [1998] Reminic X Hunny Gunny - One Gun
  • $467.270 - NATRASHA [1993] Trashadeous X Ms Royal Enterprise - Be Aech Enterprise
  • $459.025 - MY LUCKY MOONSTONE [1995] Topsail Whiz x My Moon Stone Chex - King Fritz
  • $450.951 - SONITA WILSON [1993] Doc Wilson X Sonita Gay Bar - Sonita´s Last
  • $441,980 - SUGARPLUM SPOOK [1990] Grays Starlight X Gringa Sug - Doc´s Sug
Fonte: AQHA | Quarter Horse Directory | NRHA | Quarter Horse News | Revista ABQM 

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